Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another Halloween Story

This one happened a looooooong time ago. I believe I was in kindergarten.

Well, I had pestered my mom all week to buy me a halloween costume so I could be one of the cool kids. She finally caved in and bought me a gremlin suit.

The problem was, the costume was made out of a cheap plastic. Of course, being a kindergartener, I had no idea that cheap plastic could present a problem. Boy was I wrong.

I decided in my infinite wisdom that it would be a good idea to wear nothing but a pair of tidy whities under the costume. The costume covered my whole body so I thought I was all good.

WELL.... everything was peachy keen until recess. A few kids wanted to race from the drinking fountain to the fence. I could not pass up an opportunity to race!

The race started off well until I got about 10 feet from the fence. That's when I noticed a strong draft in my lower region. I hit the fence and then looked down to see what was up. That is when I noticed that I had ripped the costume along my right side from my feet up to my hip. You could see my tender vittles.

So for the rest of the day, I had to hold the damn thing shut to the best of my ability. Unfortunately, the rip was so big that no matter how much I tried to close it my under-roos were still visible. Of course, the kids all laughed and pointed at me.

Epic fail, indeed.


  1. Sounds like you still haven't really grown out of that habit of running around in your underwear.

  2. I don't see the problem.

    Ok, well having a small pee pee could be a big problem.
