Sunday, August 9, 2009

Drinking Games

This story is short. It's also not very funny.

Yesterday (8/8/09) I played two drinking games that I had never played before. Beirut and Flip Cup.

Beirut sucks. Sorry, it's slow and boring.

Flip Cup is awesome. I don't know how I never played this game before. Out of the 2 times that I was the anchor, we won. I am Bad Ass.

Yeah, so flip cup is a good drinking game and a way to get rid of cheap beer, fast.


  1. you are too funny! i always use the go-go gadget heading myself!!!! stomach of steel followed by the roger rabbit? you're a machine! i can do the kid n play...just sayin'

  2. kid n play? oh snap, if we are ever in a hip hop club and they play that song, we are totally rockin it.

  3. I've never seen such a monster clutch anchor at flipcup before.
